Page 11 - Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
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                                       Despite the dynamically developing segment of
            Sławomir Chomik M.D.,      mobile apps, there are no solutions on the market
            Ph.D., MBA                 that completely and practically meet the needs of
            CEO                        doctors working in the challenging environment.
            +48 695 610 262
                                       Using essential knowledge as a support in the daily
                                       work, we standardize the diagnosis and treatment
                                       processes, improve quality of care and shorten time
                                       to proper diagnosis. All these factors are contributing
                                       to    healthcare     costs    reduction,     improvement
                                       of quality of care and quality of life.

                                       3Clicks apps are dedicated to specific diseases, e.g.
             Marcin Łasiński
                                       diagnostics     and    treatment:      asthma,     multiple
             Project manager           sclerosis, hypertension, colorectal cancer, cataracts,
     dermatological diseases, rheumatology, dermatology,
                                       psoriasis, as well as to large therapeutic area like
             +48 607 231 468           OB&GYN, or diabetology.

            3Clicks mobile apps contain essential        • multimedia education materials,
            medical knowledge supporting                 • actual treatment guidelines,
            diagnosis and treatment processes
            in a simple and practical format of:         • dosage schemes calculators,
                                                            assisting Healthcare Professionals
            • interactive diagnostic scales &               in their daily work
            In the last 5 years, we have created over 20 apps addressed to Healthcare Professionals,
            nurses and patients. We are strongly present in Poland – with more that 14.000 medical
            doctors using our solutions in their daily work, and above 2000 patients benefiting from
            support. The latest cooperation with MoH of UAE on the first mobile app dedicated to
            breast cancer prevention. Currently we are working on internationalization of our system
            in Germany.
          11    Polish Investment & Trade Agency
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