Page 12 - Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
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From Symptom Checker to API – Infermedica develops AI
           tools for triage and preliminary medical diagnosis
           to guide every patient to the right care. Infermedica
           tackles the problem of inappropriate use of medical
           services and misdiagnosis, providing insurance and
           telemedicine companies, hospitals, and health systems
           with a set of advanced preliminary diagnosis and triage
           tools. They provide four different products: Symptom    Infermedica’s core product is
           Checker, Call Center Triage, Emergency Room Triage, and  the symptom checker, which
           Infermedica API. The goal is to improve customers'
           performance, increase healthcare accessibility, and     allows patients to take part in
           reduce costs. To date, Infermedica's tools have been used  a  preliminary    diagnostic
           by over 7 million users worldwide, and by more than 50  interview. The AI suggests
           companies,  including  Allianz  Worldwide  Partners,    the most suitable action to
           Microsoft, Global Excel, Médis, PZU Zdrowie, or Everyday
           Health. The company uses artificial intelligence and    take    in   a    given    case.
           machine learning to assess symptoms and find patterns in  Depending on the severity of
           data. Thanks to algorithms, Infermedica gets smarter over  the    symptoms,         the
           time. Additionally, the team of physicians verifies every  recommendation might be to
           piece of information that is added to the medical
           database to ensure that patients get safe and reliable  see or call a doctor, self-care
           recommendations. To date, physicians involved in the    treatment, or a visit to an
           project have spent over 30,000 hours on reviews.        emergency          department.
                                                                   Infermedica assists patients
                                                                   in making the best decisions
                                                                   regarding their symptoms,
                                                                   and at the same time allows
                                                                   healthcare companies to save
                                                                   money      by   making     sure
                                                                   patients     use    the    right
                                                                   services to treat their health
                                                                   issues. The WHO estimates
                                                                   that by 2030, there will be a
                                                                   shortage of nearly 10 million
                                                                   healthcare workers globally.
                                                                   That creates a demand for
                                                                   solutions ready to optimize
                                                                   patient flow to provide care
                                                                   to all in need adequately by
                                                                   directing them to the right
                                                                   venue of care.

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                                         Michał Urbanowicz                  Maciej Malenda
            Website Catalog
                                        Communication & Event Manager       Head of Partnerships
                                         +48 601 673 727                    +48 506 331 194
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