Page 6 - English for Everyone Junior
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About the course

        English for Everyone Junior: Beginner’s Course is an entry-level
        English course for children. The course is divided into 26 units:

        22 teaching units and 4 review units. There is audio for all the units.

                                                            Our characters
                                                            A group of six friends—Maria, Sofia, Ben,
                                                            Andy, Sara, and Max—help present new
                                                            language in a natural and friendly way.

         Unit structure                    On the farm                       Match the pictures   Look at the pictures and    Look at the pictures and write the words in the correct
                                                                                    correct order.
                                           Listen, point, and repeat.        to the correct words.  write the letters in the   place on the crossword.
                                           Count the sheep.  10  the sun  Write the correct words
                                                                 next to the pictures.
         Each teaching unit starts            1  pig  2  tractor  11  field 9  cow
         with a scene that shows           3  tree           12  goat
                                            4  sheep  5  barn  13  donkey
         new vocabulary, followed
                                                           14  bee
         by vocabulary exercises.          6  pond        15  tail
                                           7  duck    8  chicken  16  horse
         The child then studies          120                          121  122  Now listen and repeat.  Now listen and repeat.  123
         and practices three or four     1  New vocabulary                 2  Vocabulary practice
         grammar rules.                  An illustrated scene presents    All new vocabulary is practiced.
                                         vocabulary in a clear context.   The child might be asked to
                                         The child listens to and repeats   match vocabulary to pictures
                                         each new word in turn.           or spell individual words.

          Listen and read.  Look at the pictures and write the correct answers in the spaces.  Listen and read.  Listen and match the questions to the correct answers.  Listen and read.  Read the story. Then look at the picture and write the
                                                                                            correct words in the spaces.
                                               They’re in        They’re in front of the barn.
                                               the pond.
                                                                 They’re in the field.
                                                                 They’re in the barn.
                                                                 They’re in the pond.
                                                                 They’re next to the pond.
                                                                 They’re under the tree.
                  How it works                                 Listen and sing.
                  Use How many to                   How it works
                  ask about the number              To ask about the   Where are the ducks?
                  of people, animals, or       Say are when you   location of two or more   They’re in the pond!
          To ask about the number of   Add are there   things there are. Add the   ask about two or   things, say Where are,   Where are the goats?
                  plural form of the thing
                                                    then add the thing you
                                               more things.
                at the end of
          people, animals, or things,   you’re asking about,                 Say the name,   Add a preposition, such
          say How many.  the question.  followed by are there.  are asking about in its   They’re in the field!  animal, or thing,   as next to or under,
                                                    plural form. We often
                                              in    put the before          followed by is or ’s.  and then the place.
                                 Now listen and repeat.  the noun.  Where are the cows?
                                            To answer the   Then add a preposition,   They’re in the barn!
          Say this when there   Say this when   question, begin   such as in or on,   If you are talking about two
                                               followed by the place.
                                            with They’re.
          are two or more.  there’s only one.                Where are the animals?  or more of something, use are.
                                                             They’re on my farm!  How it works
                                                                            To describe where something is, first say the   are  is  is  are  in  are
                                                                            name of the thing, followed by is, ’s, or are.   Now listen and read.
                                                                            Then add a preposition, followed by the place.
                                                                            The goat is       The goat’s
        124                          125  126                         127  128                          129
        3  New grammar                   4  New grammar                    5  New grammar
       Most teaching units contain      More grammar is explained         More grammar is explained and
       three grammar rules. The         and practiced. Many units also    practiced. Throughout the whole
       grammar is first explained       have a song to practice new       unit, new vocabulary is repeated
       and then practiced.              grammar and vocabulary.           and recycled to help the child.
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