Page 23 - Hillside 2017 Newsletter for Web
P. 23

An Interesting History...                Our new farm occupies the site of RAF                      The Benefit of Concrete..
                                          Swannington, which was a second world war
Thank you so much to everyone who                                                                    Above, concrete in place and, below, how it looked before
donated towards the purchase of much                      airfield, operational from 1944 to
needed extra land and facilities for our                  1947. The photo (left) shows a               We have been able to greatly extend the
rescued animals. The Square Yards of                      Mosquito fighter- bomber from                concrete area on another Hillside farm,
land that were kindly contributed will                    157 squadron at it’s dispersal               where we winter many of our rescued
provide a permanent home for many of                      next to St. Peters Church, which             horses. We had previously made our large
the animals in our care, and enable us                    is surrounded by our land. The               corral into a concrete pad and, this year,
to continue helping others in need.                        church dates back to the 11th               thanks to a kind donator, we have been able
This has been an amazing opportunity                       century and contains re-used                to extend this all the way to our feed barn
to help ensure the future of our                           Roman building material. There              and stables. We hope in future years to
rescued animals and to offer hope to                       are lots of concrete roads and              extend further if funds permit.
those that join us in the years to        areas which were once the taxi ways and                      The concrete has many benefits; The farm
come...                                   aprons of the airfield.                                      vehicles suffer less wear and tear operating
                                          These will be a huge                                         on a concrete surface. It is also better for
                                          benefit to us. (See right)                                   the animals as running horses along it, will
                                                                                                       help to keep their feet trim and it is easier
                                          Above, a service of remembrance at St Peter’s Church         to spot if any need veterinary attention. 2323
                                          was very poignant and included a fly-past and poppy drop.
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