Page 7 - Hillside 2017 Newsletter for Web
P. 7

The Story of One Pound Pony...

This shetland pony was found tangled in his tether and unable to get up...  Bob, safe and well at the Sanctuary...

                                                                              Unable to get up, this Shetland pony, we’ve called Bob,
                                                                              was found tangled up in the wire which had formed
                                                                              part of his tethering chain.
                                                                              From the condition of the ground where he was lying,
                                                                              he had been marooned there for some time. Because
                                                                              he had been illegally tethered, he was freed and then
                                                                              collected by a horse warden and taken to a stray horse
                                                                              pound. He then came, with other stray and abandoned
                                                                              ponies on to Hillside.

                                                                              During 2017 we have taken in 276 horses
                                                                              and ponies from stray horse pounds

                                                                                  Please spare a £1 to help
                                                                                     Pound Ponies like Bob

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