Page 10 - Hillside 2017 Newsletter for Web
P. 10

The Farmers That... Just Couldn’t...

     Here are some of the many animals, including cows, goats. pigs.
     horses and ponies that we gave a home to in October 2017 when
     their owners could no longer afford to feed them. The owners ran
     a farm shop where they had intended to sell meat but having bred
     the goats, they couldn’t face having them slaughtered! We also took
     in 16 cows which they also couldn’t send to the same fate after they
     saw firsthand the dreadful suffering that animals were enduring at
     the slaughterhouse.
     When first in business, they took a herd of sheep to the
     slaughterhouse. When they started to leave, all the sheep jumped
     out of the abattoir pen and followed them back to the trailer! The
     ‘farmers’ loaded them up and took them back home again.
     In the end, the kindhearted ‘would be farmers’ found their business
     financially unviable and became bankrupt. We took in their animals,
     including some heavy horses, who had nowhere else to go.

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