Page 14 - Hillside 2017 Newsletter for Web
P. 14

PLEASE                                 TO HELP OTHER
                                     ANIMALS LIKE TOBY

                                     Toby came to us in a very poor state and with an extensive
                                     skin problem (see left). He received veterinary attention to
                                     help his skin condition and was given medicated baths, which
                                     he really seemed to enjoy. It didn’t take long before he was
                                     gaining weight and looking much brighter. With all thisTLC
                                     he was soon looking much better as you can see below.

  It is only through your kindness     There are
  that we can continue to rescue      2000 horses,
 and campaign for other animals        ponies and
                                     donkeys living
                in need . . .
                                       at Hillside
. . . any amount you can spare will
    be very gratefully received.                           Toby, fully recovered and enjoying life at Hillside...

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