Page 16 - Hillside 2017 Newsletter for Web
P. 16

NewsFrom... Hillside Shire Horse

The Working Horse Trust...                                                                         Record Numbers Visit

The Working Horse Trust were given a deadline by their landlord to vacate the land that
had been their horses’ home for 23 years. As much as they tried, they were unable to
find another site for their animals. Their last option was to contact Hillside to see if we
could offer a home to Celandine and Amber, two Suffolk Punch mares, Dylan, an
Ardennes gelding and Drew, a Shire gelding. We were pleased to help and all four arrived
safely at our Shire Horse Sanctuary to join the many other rescued heavy horses that
live there.

           Dylan, Celandine, Amber and Drew, happily settled in at Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary  During 2017 we received more
                                                                                                   visitors to our Shire Horse
1166                                                                                               Sanctuary than ever before!
                                                                                                   People were able to meet our
                                                                                                   rescued animals, enjoy a visit to
                                                                                                   our ‘animal friendly’ Cafe and
                                                                                                   Gift Shop and even ‘Adopt’ an
                                                                                                   animal, like Shire Horse William
                                                                                                   (right). If you would like to
                                                                                                   adopt one of our rescued
                                                                                                   animals please see page 29 for
                                                                                                   more information.
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