Page 10 - Course Catalog 20-21
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) American College Test (ACT)
One of the first steps toward college is to take the Constructed as an achievement test, the ACT con-
PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/ sists of four subject tests: Math, English, Reading
National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test). The Comprehension, and Scientific Reasoning. The ACT
sooner students take the PSAT, the better prepared is a three-hour test that consists of multiple choice REGISTERING FOR TESTS
they will be for the SAT, which is taken in the 11th questions. The ACT Plus Writing Test is a 40-minute
and 12th grade. Test results and the accompanying test that may also be required for admission to
analysis are valuable tools that help prepare stu- some colleges.
dents for the SAT and opportunities beyond high
Many colleges accept ACT scores in lieu of SAT.
school. The PSAT/NMSQT is also the qualifying test
Make sure to check with the post-secondary institu-
for the National Merit Scholarship when taken in
tions of your choice to determine testing require-
the junior year. Fee waivers are available for eligible
11th graders. The PSAT also gives your counselor
information on AP readiness through College To register for the ACT:
Board’s AP Potential portal.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Students with Disabilities
The SAT reasoning test is a measure of the critical Some students, with a documented learning disabil-
thinking skills you will need for academic success in ity, are eligible for “extended time" on standardized
college. The SAT includes: tests. These students are currently eligible for ex-
tended time on tests in high school. A student must
Evidence-based Reading and Writing
apply to the testing company for the right to use
extended time on standardized tests. The process
Essay (optional)
takes several weeks. If you think you might be eligi-
The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and
ble, see your Counselor. You may file your request
seniors. It is the most readily accepted entrance
as early as freshman year.
exam by colleges in the west. There are multiple
websites that offer free practice, such as The test takes approxi-
mately three hours (plus an additional 50 minutes Check out the counseling office or Career Center for
for the essay). Be sure to check application require- more information on these tests. Students can reg-
ments of the schools to which you plan to apply in ister by mail, phone, or online. Fee Waivers for
order to determine whether you should register for testing may be available. There are guidelines re-
the SAT Essay. Each section of the SAT is scored on garding financial need. See your school counselor
a scale of 200-800. for more information.
SAT: Subject Tests SCHOOL CODES:
Subject Tests are designed to measure your Bear Creek High School 053436
knowledge and skills in particular subject areas. Up
Lodi High School 051441
to 3 tests may be taken on a single test date. Each