Page 9 - Course Catalog 20-21
P. 9       COURSE CATALOG & COLLEGE/CAREER PLANNING GUIDE                                     8

                            PREPARING FOR COLLEGE

                       Freshman      Meet with your counselor to discuss your college plans.
                                     Make sure you are enrolled in College Prep and/or Pre-AP courses.
                                     Sign up to take the PSAT in October (optional) and AP exams in November
                                     Start a college search to find out required courses and tests of colleges you
                                       might want to attend. Attend college fairs when possible.
                                     Start a calendar with important dates and deadlines.
                                     Get involved in extracurricular activities.
                                     Learn about college costs and how financial aid works.
                                     Create a personal resume file to save: report cards, certificates, a list of honors
                                       and awards, a list of school and community activities, a list of offices you hold,
                                       and a list of both paid and volunteer jobs.
                                     Research College and/or Career options in school Career Center or on Navi-

                       Sophomore    Review your schedule and college plans with your counselor.
                                     Enroll in elective courses that align with your career goals.
                                     Sign up to take the PSAT  in October and AP exams in November.
                                     Continue your college search and visit local schools.
                                     Stay involved in extracurricular and enrichment activities.
                                     Update your resume file in Naviance Family Connection.
                                     Consider enrolling in Career Technical Education courses that earn college
                                       credit and align with your desired career path (see page 20).

                       Junior        Discuss college plans with your counselor.
                                     Take PSAT for National Merit Qualification; sign up for AP exams; consider tak-
                                       ing ASVAB.
                                     Plan to take the SAT and ACT in the Spring.
                                     Visit as many colleges as you can.
                                     Explore career options in your school’s College and Career Center.
                                     Update your resume file in Naviance.
                                     Plan your senior year class schedule with your counselor.
                       Senior        Narrow your list of colleges; get applications & financial aid information for
                                     Enroll in elective or Career Technical Education courses that align with your
                                       career goals.
                                     Keep a calendar with test dates, application deadlines, and other important

                                     Register for, and take, the SAT/ACT by December.
                                     Ask for letters of recommendation well in advance.

                                     Write application essays; have teachers and friends edit.
                                     November 1: File your UC and CSU applications.
                                     November is a critical time for private college early-consideration applications
                                       and merit scholarships.
                                     Search for scholarships and ask your college/career counselor for scholarship

                                     November 1—February 15: Send in your college applications and have your
                                       high school send transcripts.
                                     January: Complete and submit your FAFSA/Dream Act applications.
                                     May 1: You must choose your college by this date and inform colleges of your
                                       acceptance or rejection of offers of admission or financial aid.
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