Page 14 - The 2021 Downtown Geneseo Holiday Guide
P. 14

No ma er who
                                                                                                 the recipient is
                                                                                                 yourself!],  the
                                                                                                 unique collec on
                                                                                                 of offerings from
                                                                                                 Touch of Grayce
                                                                                                 always  conveys
                                                                                                 the feeling that
                                                                                                 the  gi   was
       A gi  from David Mann Jewelers                                                            chosen especially
       o en becomes a  meless treasure                                                                 for you!
       to the recipient.  Whether being                                                            AVAILABLE AT
       passed  on  through  the
       genera ons or simply worn with                                                              TOUCH OF
       adornment for a life me, you’re                                                               GRAYCE
       sure to bring a sparkle to
       someone’s eye when they open
                their gi  this year!                  G i   s   F r o m

                  AVAILABLE AT
      DAVID MANN JEWELERS                                t h e   H e a r t

       Our neighbors at Geneseo Orthodon cs &
       Pediatric Den stry want your holidays to be full
       of smiles, so, they are offering $1000 off of
            Invisalign & braces through 12-31-21!                       Our friends at Howard Hanna are
                                                                        offering free gi  wrapping to any items

       Give the gi  of a beau ful smile to yourself or                  purchased in a downtown Geneseo
                       someone you love!                                business during this Holiday season!
                                                                           Please bring your receipt as proof.

                         AVAILABLE AT                                     Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm
                                                                                HOWARD HANNA

                                                GIFTS FROM THE HEART
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19