Page 17 - The 2021 Downtown Geneseo Holiday Guide
P. 17

F o r  o me
                                                  E n t e r t a i n i n g

        There's something to be said for
        dependable appliances when hos ng
        family and friends, baking for hours on
        end, and living the life of the holiday                You deserve an office or home office that feels
        hustle. Visit Conrad’s Appliances and                  like a sanctuary - a place that creates the
        see why they’ve been a part of                         ambiance you’ve been missing. Gi  yourself the
        downtown Geneseo for over 50 years.                    amazing works of our neighbors at Quality Office
                                                               Environments and embrace a 2022 that you’ve
                                                                                waited so long for!

                                                                                  AVAILABLE AT
                                                                  QUALITY OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS

                    AVAILABLE AT

                                   Christmas is sweeter with Sweet Arts! Offering fresh baked goods,
                                   cookie trays, chocolates, and more for your family & holiday
                                   gatherings. Preorder is appreciated through their online ordering or
                                   calling ahead. Delivery is available up to 20 miles [charge per mile] as
                                            well as offering curbside pickup for your convenience!

                                                                    AVAILABLE AT
                                                          SWEET ARTS BAKERY

                                            FOR HOME & ENTERTAINING
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