Page 20 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
P. 20

FMR 64
   20                    Climate crisis and local communities                                       June 2020


       Manila Conference participants protest with local activists and the community of Taliptip, Philippines.
       that damage the environment, are against   the power of their networks to fight climate
       local people’s interests and undermine   injustice and to promote the rights of those
       the country’s sustainable development.   displaced by the impacts of climate change.
       This broad alliance of political parties and   Participants shared their personal
       organisations of – among others – students,   stories, scientific findings, and what their
       peasants, workers, women, indigenous   organisations have learned (each with their
       people, artists, teachers, writers, experts and   own examples of localised solutions), plus
       journalists has campaigned on these issues   responses from their governments. Bringing
       for over 22 years. They are also fighting   together those people who are currently
       to protect the vulnerable Sundarbans   leading the climate, development and
       region (including its UNESCO-protected   migration conversations in their countries
       mangrove forest) from the introduction   helped to unite them and demonstrate
       of a coal-fired power station as the area is   that this is one struggle with many fronts.
       very important for protecting coastal areas   Three NGOs co-organised the conference:
       from the impacts of climate change.   Kalikasan, the International Migrants
                                            Alliance, and the Asian Peoples’ Movement
       The power of networking, and the Manila   on Debt and Development (APMDD);
       Initiative                           APMDD is also a member of the Demand
       There is much to learn from NGOs and   Climate Justice Network – one of the leading
       movements to support those affected   international networks in the Global South
       by, and displaced by, climate change.   working on the topic of climate justice.
       In September 2019 the Rosa Luxemburg    Climate justice can, of course, be
       Stiftung/Foundation (RLS) organised an   understood and approached in multiple ways,
       International Solidarity Conference on the   with many different nuances, but there is
       Rights of Climate Migrants in Manila, in   a common understanding that addressing
       the Philippines. The conference welcomed   the social, economic, environmental and
       over 70 guests from more than 20 countries,   political aspects of the climate crisis
       bringing together academia and civil   requires more than a few adaptation and
       society actors to learn from each other, show   mitigation measures. Climate action does
       solidarity, and build alliances to strengthen   not lead necessarily to climate justice.
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