Page 19 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
P. 19

FMR 64             Climate crisis and local communities                    19

       June 2020                                

       religious figures, were convinced that joining   a student-run organisation. Her mother,
       PPNI was contradictory to being a woman.   Pasijah, supports the family income by
          PPNI now comprises 16 groups from   selling mangrove seedlings. Kodriyah hopes
       northern Sumatra to West Timor who   the government can help by undertaking
       advocate for fisherwomen’s rights. Until 2017   more widespread mangrove planting and by
       only men could obtain insurance – to pay   building a dam so her village can be saved.
       for medical treatment and in the event of   Adaptation measures such as these
       lives lost – but now women can get the same   can help – but will not stop people from
       provision. PPNI also helps to strengthen the   migrating once they lose their land and homes
       fishing economy through several projects   multiple times. According to the International
       such as providing                                     Organization for
       training in processing                                Migration, up to 70%
       fishery products.                                     of residents in the
       Advocacy work done                                    slums of Dhaka, the
       by organisations such                                 capital of Bangladesh,
       as PPNI is important                                  moved there as a result
       because women                                         of environmental
       working in fisheries                                  challenges. It is
       and aquaculture                                       estimated that
       sectors usually have                                  Bangladesh hosts six
       lower wages, less                                     million such migrants,
       recognition, less                                     making climate change
       social and economic                                   and environmental
       protection, and                                       causes the country’s
       precarious and                                        primary drivers of
       invisible jobs. These                                 internal migration,
       factors, combined with                                yet little assistance is
       the reality that women                                provided to support
       in vulnerable contexts                                those who have
       are often already                                     been displaced.
       more affected by the                                     The Bangladeshi
       impacts of climate   AEER/Khoiron                     NGO Coastal
       change than men are,                                  Association for Social
       add to the precarity                                  Transformation
       of their livelihoods   Kodriyah outside her house.    Trust (COAST) is
       and therefore to the likelihood of   strengthening its work on climate adaptation
       them being forced to move.           measures and has been advocating for
          Kodriyah, a 17-year-old Indonesian   the government to develop a national
       girl, has seen the population of her village   displacement policy. The government
       decreasing over the last ten years, from 200   has agreed in principle to develop such
       families until today when only her family   a policy and the NGOs have submitted
       remains. To reach her school, Kodriyah and   a draft policy for their attention.
       her five-year-old sibling travel by small boat,   Local community responses include
       paddling five kilometres to the nearest land   working not only on adaptation measures but
       to then continue by bicycle and bus. The   also on mitigation measures. For example,
       ground floor of her house is now permanently  the Bangladeshi National Committee
       covered by water, forcing her family to build   to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources,
       a platform in their own home in order to   Power and Ports (NCBD) is fighting the
       stay dry. To reduce the impact of sea level   root causes of climate change. NCBD was
       rise, her family is planting mangrove trees   formed in 1998 to build the capacity of local
       for which they get occasional support from   communities to mount resistance to deals
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