Page 3 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
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"An approach to innovation that allows you to get your hands on it
    and actually do something in your organization. Lots of great
     practical (and fun) techniques for generating ideas. The best
               "how-to" book on innovation I've ever seen."

                              Phil Harris, Vice President and
                            General Manager, of Paperboard

                                 James River Corporation

 "In business, we find an increasing rate of change accompanied by
  greater complexity. Survival demands creative solutions. Higgins'

   book is a convenient, practical reference which describes time
      tested techniques that all of us can use. Humorous, timely

examples of how companies have used these techniques make the
                                   book very useful."

                                           Allan Nagle
                               Former CEO of Tupperware

"You'll find Higgins' book engaging, easy to read, and very practical.
 He's right on target when he states that innovation is the key for
        an organization to gain or maintain a competitive edge."

                                         Valerie Oberle
                           Vice President for Disney University

                                   for Walt Disney World

  "Paradigms broken. Dr. Higgins' book gives readers a new road
    map to creatively using quality processes. Thought provoking,
  practical, and impactful. This is the kind of easy reference guide I
  have been searching for, for years. It is an innovative toolbox for
 those involved with project planning or building high performance

                                      work teams."

                            Rod Waddell, Quality Consultant

                                  Dynamic Resources, Inc.

$17.95   Business, Self Development

          ISBN 1-883629-00-4

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