Page 72 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 72


  Otis Port and (;tiottrey !imith, "Beg, Borrow — And Benchmark, Bus Week (November
    30, 1992), pp. 74 75; Thomas A. Stewart, "GE Keeps Those Ideas ('oming," l'ortune (Au-
    gust 12, 1991), pp. 41 -19.

  Peter T. Johnson, "Why 1 Race Against Phantom Competitors," Harvard Business ReVit11 , (Sep-
    tember/October 1988), pp. 106-112.

3 William F. Pounds, "The Process of Problem Finding," Industrial Management Review, Fa 1969,
    pp. 1-9.

  Kent Seltzman, an MBA student of mine, suggested this process and limericks and parodies
    which follow.

  Tony Husch and Linda Foust, That's a Great Idea, (Berkeley, CA: 10 Speed Press, 1987).

  James M. Higgins and Julian W. Vincze, Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 5th ed., (Ft.
    Worth, Tex.: The Dryden Press, 1993), Chapter 10.

  Arthur B. VanGundy, The Product Improvement Checklist (PICLT") (Point Pleasant, N.J.: Point
    Publishing, 1985).

  "Creative Group Techniques," Small Business Report (September 1984), pp. 52-57.

9 Anne Skagen, "Creativity Tools: Versatile Problem Solvers That Can Double as Fun and
    Games," Supervisory Management (October 1991), pp. 1-2.

  Victor Kiam, speech to the Roy E. Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College,
    Winter Park, Florida (October 28,1985); Judith Stone, "Velcro: The Final Frontier," Discover
    (May 1988), pp. 82-84.

" Akito Mortia with Edwin M. Reingold and Mitsuko Shinonrma, "Made in Japan." Macmillan
    Executive Summary Program (1, 1987), p. 1.

'2 Thomas A. Stewart, loc. cit.

1' Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe, The Rational Manager, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967).

" Bryan W. Mattimore, "Brainstormer's Boot Camp," Success (October 1991), pp. 22, 24.

15 As described in Simon Majaro, The Creative Gap: Managing Ideas for Profit (London: Longman,
    1988) pp. 133-137.

16 Dan Koberg and Jim Bagnall, Universal Traveler (Los Altos, CA: William Kaufman, Inc., 1974),

" Ibid., p. 63.

" Simon Majaro, op. cit.; pp. 137 -138.

19 Ibid., p. 139.

" Michael Michalko, Thinkertoys (Berkeley, CA: 10 Speed Press, 1992), pp.43-49.

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