Page 123 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
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Step 6. Create Your Executive Office 115
daily pickup, it may be more economical to set up your account
on their website rather than use the software. The shipping rates
are higher, but you don't pay a monthly fee as you do to use the
software. Soon, you will likely work your way up to "deserving"
the software, printer (for a small weekly charge they will rent you a
special label printer), and better shipping rates.
FedEx offers similar options-you can use their FedEx Ship
Manager online, or use their FedEx Ship Manager software program.
Visit their website and fill in the "Find a FedEx solution" question
naire. FedEx will recommend a program based on the needs you
enter (how many packages you'll ship per day, whether it's domestic
or international, how much it weighs, etc.).
Get to know your local UPS or FedEx sales representative. They
can help you with the details and pricing options. After you develop
a shipping history as your business grows, you can negotiate certain
discounts with the carriers. A good relationship with your area rep
resentative will certainly help.
For a weekly or monthly fee, UPS and FedEx will stop at your
door every business day and pick up your packages. These accounts
usually enjoy reduced rates compared to "Occasional" accounts. If
you don't have shipments going out every day, but are almost at that
point, it's probably still a better option to go with the daily pickup.
The better rates you get with the daily account will likely justify
the weekly service charge. A billing representative from the ship
ping companies will be able to either look at your account history
or evaluate your estimated shipping volume and help you decide.
Expect to be charged higher rates if you live in a remote area.
The U.S. Postal Service
Another alternative to UPS and FedEx is the U. S . Postal Service
website (at where you can easily set up an account in
a matter of minutes and be able to print shipping labels and postage
from your own computer and printer. You can leave packages with
those labels at the post office without standing in line.