Page 157 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 157


      make the m ost of your
          marketing efforts

                     The Internet is becoming the town squarefor the
                     global village of tomorrow.

                                                                               -BILL GATES

Once you've found the "niche" segment upon which you'll focus
your marketing efforts and actually created your marketing materi­
als and website, it's time to implement your strategy. You will be
marketing online by utilizing search engine optimization, blogging,
implementing a viral marketing campaign, and gaining exposure
through social network sites. Plus, you'll be marking on hard copy
the old-fashioned way by sending out press kits. We'll talk about
both in this chapter.

    In today's high-tech world, consumers spend billions of dollars
online . Your product needs to be there! Much of your online mar­
keting efforts (with the exception of setting up your website) can
be done with little or no monetary outlay so it is the best bang for
your buck. Creating a fully functioning website is by far the most
important and most time-consuming of these ventures. You will be
directing traffic to your website and its store if you have one.

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