Page 32 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 32

Step 2. Bring Your Idea to Life  21

                   A New Twist on an Existing Product

    We all use tools or products on a daily basis and you may find
yourself questioning the performance of one of them and think,
"This could be so much better if. . . ." If you've got an idea like that,
it's an upgrade to an already existing product.

    My Moisture Jamzz Moisture Gloves are an example of an
improvement or change to an existing product. Classic, white cot­
ton gloves had been around for generations. Women wore them
over their favorite moisturizers at night to help soften hands. My
product is simply an upgraded and updated version of that product.
My fabrics are higher quality and include spandex for better fit and
comfort; our products feature original, fun designs.

    Look at the first tool kit made specifically for women. It became
popular very quickly and was sold in major mass-market stores. It
was a simple concept: take the standard men's tool kit and make it
less intimidating for women by giving it a more feminine look and
soft-grip handles. This new tool kit gave women permission to feel
like they, too, could be handy around the house. Tools were no
longer just for men.

    Sometimes it's as simple as altering an existing product by mak­
ing a few changes. Give that old product a new, fresh purpose and
therefore a new, fresh audience. So even if your idea offers only a
small improvement or change to an already popular product, it still
has great potential!

               An Existing Product with a New Purpose

    Your idea falls into this category if you were using a tool or prod­
uct and realized that it would also work well in a completely dif­
ferent capacity. In this case, the product needs to be re-marketed
to a new audience in new packaging, usually with a few tweaks in
design to make it appealing to the different demographic.
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