Page 28 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 28
1 6 Your Idea, Inc.
This episode really inspired me to get going on my gloves.
1 picked up the phone and actually called Carol Green to see if she
had any advice for a beginning entrepreneur. Believe it or not, we
spoke on the phone for about an hour! We had lots of fun talking
about business and then she said she was going to be in Los Ange
les and she would take a brief meeting with me to see if she could
help me even more. We met at the Beverly Hills Hotel and we had
breakfast (l could barely afford the orange juice at the time-and
this was my first official business expense!). Carol was so generous
and forthcoming with advice and helpful information.
Skipping out of the hotel, 1 went back to my "office" feeling like
my business had just gotten started that day. The moral of my story:
Don't be intimidated by those who are already successful. Contact
them anyway! At worst, the person doesn't give you any advice. At
best, you get a wealth of insider information. You just have to ask.
When -.cIng with .. mentor, find • quiet place to tllk.
pICk IWStaUranta wh.-. table .... very dole together.
can also visit your mentor at her office first. It's probably
the most convenient option for her, and you want to make
this meeting easy for her. Or, ask the mentor to choose a
meeting place.
Don't Worry about Money Yet
Regardless of how motivated, excited, and positive you are about
your great idea, I'm sure one major question still lingers in your
mind: How will I ever payfor this? At this early stage, consider financ
ing your idea to be just one step in the process, not a deal breaker.
1 know-easy for someone else to say, right?