Page 24 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 24

1 2 You r I d ea, Inc.

"persistence" or "action." Repeat your mantra silently or aloud every
time you hear a negative comment to find that inner strength you
need to move ahead with even more steam!

     Remember, negative comments are inevitable . Even when you're

a success, you'll still get them. But rather than internalizing that

negative energy, mentally convert it to fuel for your inner fire.

                                      Find the Time

Let me guess. You're a busy person with a job, responsibility for oth­
ers-younger or older, hobbies, and a social life. How will you ever
find time to make your idea a reality? There's no magic answer-you
just have to learn to manage your time more effectively.

                Change How You Spend Your Free Time

    You've probably heard the saying, "If you want something done,
give it to the busiest person you know." This adage seems to hold
true in so many aspects of life. Take the Parent Teacher Association
at any given school. It seems to be the mom with five kids who is
volunteering to help and the mom with one kid and no outside job
who doesn't help much (but will still complain about the way things
are done). If they're so swamped, why can busy people get more
accomplished? It's usually because they already have an effective
system for getting things done. But those who have inefficient time­
management skills may find one small task daunting.

    The bottom line: You can (and will) find a way to fit this product
launch in your schedule if you want it badly enough. If you com­
mit to mere minutes a day, you will make a lot of progress in just
one week's time. Try to use your time as wisely as possible. For
example, skip watching that hour-long drama on TV and instead
research company names. Instead of checking out the sale rack at
your favorite store, visit a local manufacturer to discuss packaging
options. Chunks of time like that add up to hours of productivity
and to tangible momentum.
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