Page 19 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 19

Step 1. Ta ke the Leap to Becoming an Entrepreneur  7

     I also meet many stay-at-home moms who want to continue to
be there for their kids, but are bored and a bit unfulfilled after their
youngest is in kindergarten. These moms are looking for a part-time
job so they can make some money and better utilize their newfound
free time. These opportunities are often tough to uncover, but if you
have a good product idea, you can be your own boss, work out of
your home, be there for your family, and earn some money, too.

    The American Dream is still possible to attain today, especially
when you consider how technology makes it easy to start a busi­
ness and have a virtual office that is professional and quick and
inexpensive to set up.

                                 Banish the Doubts

   Merely thinking about the ways your life could improve, as you

will in the Biz Brainstorm: What Does Success Mean to You? (next
page) won't make them happen, of course. You may need to con­
vince the practical side of your brain that is worried about bills, sta­
bility, and the future. To overcome those doubts, allow yourself to
believe that you really do need a change and that you are capable of
implementing it, one step at a time. Jess Weiner, author and motiva­
tional speaker, says, "Your body knows you have a great idea before
your brain knows." This is so true. I know firsthand about the "fire
in the belly" feeling. It's this adrenaline that keeps you taking step
after step to make it happen, regardless of what your brain is saying
in the background.

    In order to silence the doubts the practical side of your brain
may have, you'll need to maintain a healthy outlook. Let's look at
how to do that.

                                   Try Visualiz ation

A helpful way to think positively is to visualize your success. Envi­
sion yourself as the person you hope to be-actually wearing that
special suit and meeting that big client. Envision yourself in front of
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