Page 15 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 15

Step 1. Take the Leap to Becoming an Entrepreneur                          3

    You can't always pick the "right" time to become an entrepre­
neur. Usually new product ideas come about from a need to fill
a void in the marketplace. For the entrepreneur, if the sense of
urgency exists, the process begins organically no matter the state
of the economy. It takes time to do the research and line up the
ducks in a row from patents and trademarks to manufacturing and
marketing. Who knows, by the time you are ready to launch, the
economy and marketplace might have improved and you'll be in a
great position to succeed.

    Also, being in recession mode can actually help you adopt a "less
is more" philosophy at the start of your business that continues
when times get better. That is, you will naturally start small and
expand when the time is right instead of biting off more than you
can chew at the outset. This will be a great overall benefit to the
financial health of your company.

If they can do it,

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The Sa n Francisco-based Method Compa ny's clea n i n g prod­
ucts can be fou n d in just about every mass-ma rket reta i l e r
today. But this $100 million-dollar company began just as the
I nternet's "dot-com bubble" had bu rst and the Bay Area was i n
a serious recession. The founders, Eric Ryan a n d Adam Lowry,
who began by m ixing batches of clea n i ng formula i n their bath­
tub, fo und themse lves drowning in debt. Having maxed out
their credit cards and months overdue on paying their vendors,
they kept pou n d i n g the paveme nt. With constant focus on their
goal, within a year they were selling their Method products in
800 stores, i n c l u d i n g Ta rget. Despite t h e recession, these two
entrepreneurs have "cleaned up."
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