Page 13 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 13


   take the leap to becoming
            an entrepreneur

     The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting
     started is breaking down your complex overwhelming tasks into
     small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

                                                                                                  -MARK TWA IN

On the journey to launch a product idea, the very first step is often
the most difficult to take. Why is that? Because you have to know

what the first step is. Most people who have never run a business

have absolutely no clue what to do with their great idea. Instead of
focusing on only step number one, they start to paint a big picture,
get overwhelmed mentally, and tuck the idea back into their head.

    Sound familiar?

       I t's Time to Take Action, Even in a Ba d E conomy!
Ups and downs in the economy can seem scary, but it's possible to
still earn a living and break out on your own. Even if the economy is
unpredictable, you may find that these unexpected circumstances
may very well lead to unexpected success and happiness.

    It's not easy to see the glass half full right after being laid off, but
once the dust has settled, you can join those entrepreneurs whose
businesses thrived despite the tough economic times in which they
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