Page 8 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 8


Thank you, Meredith Jacobs, for leading me in the right direction
and introducing me to Joanne Brownstein. You have been the best
mentor. But more than that, your true friendship, generosity, hon­
esty, humor, and enthusiasm have meant so much to me.

    Thank you, Joanne Brownstein of Brandt and Hochman Literary
Agents. You just "got it." You heard my passion and you took the
time to bring it into focus. You worked above and beyond the call
of duty with my proposal, to shape this book into what it is. Most
importantly, you found a publisher. I am eternally grateful.

    Thank you, Andrea Norville, my wonderful editor, for believing
in this book's potential and dealing with this first-time author who
is not a writer. Your patience and kindness will not be forgotten.

    A very grateful thank you to Wendy Simard, Laura Daly, and
Laurel Marotta for organizing my thoughts and giving this book
clarity. Thank you to Paula Munier at Adams Media as well; all of
the support has been tremendous!

    Thank you, Darryn Eller, for your positive reinforcement years
ago. Those kind words coming from such a pro meant a lot to me
and gave me the confidence to believe I could see this in the book­
stores one day.

    Thank you to all the entrepreneurs who inspired me along the
way. I am always attracted to the underdog stories , the unlikely
candidates who become big successes. Those people were power­
ful examples and really gave me strength to believe that I could do
it too.

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