Page 9 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 9

x Your Idea, Inc.

    To Brock and Clay, I hope you follow your dreams and eventu­
ally earn a living doing something that you are passionate about. All
my love to you!

    The biggest thank you goes to my husband, Ron Abrams. Your
calm and wise nature has always helped to balance my enthusiasm
and energy, and actually turn them into tangible results. I benefit
daily from your love, humor, generosity, and your sage advice. I will
never forget the day in 1995 when you turned in your resignation to
the law firm, and we took the leap of faith that this "business thing"
will be just fine. It's been so much fun having you by my side at
Moisture jamzz. You have been the best partner ever, and the kids
and I are so happy and blessed with you around all the time! Thank
you for believing. You know how much I love you!

    Without the success of Moisture jamzz, Inc., I would not have
had a platform for this book. To Maria and Saul Vaquero, you have
been with us since the very beginning, and I cannot thank you
enough for always being there and for providing quality and con­
scientious work. You are two of the sweetest people Ron and I have
ever met. We will always be grateful for your loyalty.

    Thank you, Mom, for managing our office for ten years and for
letting us vacation without worry. You were there every day with a
smile, and you also offered us continuous support and love. Being
able to count on you meant so much to us. You are such a blessing
not only for Ron and me, but of course, for your grandkids too! We
all love you so much and will always treasure that quality time that
we had with you.

    Mia Ruiz, we cannot thank you enough for your love and generos­
ity. You became part of our family and you will always be a big part of
our lives. You mean the world to all of us, and we could not have done
as well without you. We love you and all of your family very much.

    A huge and very grateful thank-you as well to West, Deborah,
jeffrey, Kenneth, Terree, and all of our production team. It is a true
pleasure to work with you. Your support and dedication has enabled
us to grow and thrive. Last, but surely not least, thank you from the
bottom of my heart to each and every one of our customers.
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