Page 11 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 11

xii Your Idea, I nc.

books. I found the pages of dry information difficult to read, and
I qUickly became bogged down in all the financial and legal intrica­
cies of business ownership. It's not that those things aren't impor­
tant; they are, but nothing kills enthusiasm faster than complicated
business j argon , most of which was completely foreign to me at the
time. In the beginning, I didn't need to understand formal corpo­
rate structure because I was the entire organization.

    So I returned to the bookstore in search of a comprehensive
guide I could understand without having an MBA that would teach
me the basics. I also needed help planning my work, staying moti­
vated, and keeping track of what I'd done. No book I saw filled all
those needs. Much like the light bulb moment that inspired me to
create Moisture ]amzz, I figured that if the book I needed didn't
exist, I'd have to create one.

    Along with making notes in this book, I recommend that you
also get a j ournal or binder or create a file on your computer spe­
cifically for notes and inspiration pertaining to your idea. In each
chapter, you'll find exercises to help you get creative and organize
your thoughts. When you see the words "Biz Brainstorm," it's time
to get busy on your exercises! Every Biz Brainstorm is designed to
get you thinking about your business, challenge your boundaries,
and motivate you to take action.

    The only difference between you and a successful entrepreneur

is action. This book is rooted in that principle and will help you

move from thought to action as painlessly as possible. So before
you realize it, you'll be well on your way to launching your product.
Whether you are a teacher, a chef, a stay-at-home mom, or a truck
driver, a great idea is a great idea. You are qualified in your own way
to join the ranks of every other entrepreneur who started out with
only a dream.

    Some people might tell you it is impossible to start a business
from scratch without a business degree. Little do they know that
some of the biggest names in business did not even have college
degrees when they started their companies! What they did have is
passion, just like you.
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