Page 16 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 16

4 Your Idea, I nc.

                            Be Positive a nd Proa ctive

In this economy, misery loves company. You can get caught up in
the negativity and let opportunities pass because you are letting
outside circumstances dictate your destiny. But that's not my way of
living and because you are reading this book, it's probably not yours

either. No matter what the economy is like, focus on what you can

do and take action, and progress will build from momentum, opti­
mism, and enthusiasm. Being positive and proactive, taking charge
of your life is very empowering. When you love your work, it's no
longer work! It's no secret that having a purpose in life makes you
happier and more productive.

     Good Reasons to Launch Your Idea in a Bad Economy

 • Companies in manufacturing are hurting. They need to find new
    business now so they are likely to be more flexible with mini­
    mums. They will welcome a small business whereas in a thriving
    economy they will talk only to companies that will be spending
    a lot of money each and every month. You can start to build a
    relationship and grow your business as the economy improves.

 • Companies across the board are offering better pricing to bring
    in business. You can take advantage of lower-than-usual pricing
    on everything from raw materials to office supplies.

 • Talented people who were laid off from huge companies are
    now starting to consult on their own and charging a reasonable
    rate for their expertise . Take advantage of this trend by talking
    with an attorney, accountant, or graphic designer now working
    under his own shingle who can charge a much more reasonable
    hourly rate.

 • The competition has been shrinking, so by the time you are in
    the marketplace, your company will be fresh and new and ready
    to do business from a solid foundation.

 • Having fewer resources will force an entrepreneur to do more
    analytical thinking about streamlining expenses from the get­
     go. Instead of hiring people to work for you, outsource. Hir­
    ing independent contractors frees you up from having to worry
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