Page 10 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 10


seize your light bulb moment

In 1993, my life changed. A light bulb went off in my head as I had
an incredible idea for a beauty product.

    It all began because I had really dry, chapped hands and my
grandmother suggested I put Vaseline on them and then wear
white cotton gloves overnight . It was a beauty secret very familiar
to the older generation. I searched beauty-conscious Los Angeles
and could only find one type of moisturizing glove. It was a cheap,
thin all-cotton glove that fell off within seconds of putting it on my
hand. Again and again, I tried to follow my grandmother's advice,
but I needed a better glove and I couldn't find one anywhere. That's

when it hit me. I couldn't be the only one with dry hands looking for

an easy remedy. As a result, I launched Moisture ]amzz, Inc., a bath
and body manufacturer and wholesaler built around my signature
product, Moisture ]amzz Moisture Gloves .

    S o how did I go from having that idea t o being the founder o f my
own company? My journey was complicated at times, but it started
with basic elements: excitement, ambition, and enthusiasm. When
the light bulb went off, I knew I had to act on my idea. Like you,
I dreamed of turning my simple concept into a business. I had the
motivation, but I didn't have a clue about how to start a business.
What I did have in my corner was my eternal optimism and naivete.
I just figured I could do it.

    I did need somewhere to start, though. So I hit the bookstores
for gUidance and picked out several business start-up books with
catchy titles. Unfortunately, I didn't find the help I needed in those

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