Page 22 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 22

1 0 Your Idea, Inc.

the computer as you open the biggest purchase order you have ever
seen. Envision yourself driving to the bank to deposit a check from

a company you have dreamed of doing business with. Actually feel

how it will feel.
     By thinking positively, you can change how your body feels.

You'll be more relaxed and focused. Just as every great golfer incor­
porates detailed visualization in her pre-shot routine, you must do
the same for your product's game plan. While the golfer sees the ball
taking the perfect flight, landing on the green at the desired spot,
and rolling toward the hole, you can visualize having the perfect
conversation with the buyer, receiving the purchase order, shipping
your product, and seeing it on store shelves. See it, feel it.

    Your heart may start beating faster when you do this positive
thinking-that's because your body is responding to your adrena­
line and excitement. When you encounter a difficult step in this
j ourney, come back to these positive thoughts and re-energize your­
self with them.

                             Commit to Perseverance

Regardless of a positive outlook, you'll no doubt encounter obstacles
along the way. The key is refusing to give up when things get frus­
trating. Know that your journey may not be an easy one, but the
rewards can last a lifetime and possibly even generations.

     So don't give up when you face a problem. Commit to moving
through obstacles. Commit to not taking no for an answer. Commit
to the journey. Build your inner strength now so when times get
tough later, you can tap into it. Your level of commitment will help
separate you from those who never realize their dreams!

                       Feed Off of Negative Feedback

When I first started telling people that I was starting a new busi­
ness designing moisturizing gloves, the response was something
like, "Oh, okay. Yeah, uh . . . good luck with that. Don't quit your
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