Page 59 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 59

48 Your Idea, Inc.

 • Other entrepreneurs: You might meet them through local busi­
     ness networking groups or find a blog online .

 • Your bank.

    To help incentivize people to help you, you could even offer
a small finder's fee (possibly saved up from all of your penny­
pinching efforts) to the person who connects you with the right
match. Once you find your angel, the work begins again as you
collaborate to come to terms on the vast array of details. Consult
with your business attorney and accountant before entering into
any legal arrangement.

                                   You, I n corporated

Finding the cash to fund your idea won't be easy, so you'll need
to ask for as little as possible in the beginning. The best way to
save money on expenses early on is to do every task you pOSSibly
can yourself-even things you would absolutely hate to do if your
"boss" asked you to. Put your ego aside-you are not "above" doing
any job now.

     Sure, it would be nice to have an assistant, a tech guru, an
accounts payable person, or even an errand runner. But realistically,
you'll likely wear all of those hats. You will have to take charge of
virtually every position in the beginning, but you can also welcome
and accept help from those who offer.

                  Consider utilizing the services of an intern. Interns are usu­
                        college students or recent grads who are trying to gain

                 " ..v'n..'·;...,.... in a specific field. To get that experience, they
                  sometimes volunteer their time or work for a minimal amount
                  or for college credits.
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