Page 63 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 63

Step 4. Understand Legal Issues                                            53

to cut corners. This is a very bad idea! If you ignore these legal issues
now, your business can implode later with lawsuits involving trade­
mark infringement or other legal nightmares. Patent applications
are time-consuming and costly, and trademarks and copyrights can
be confusing and complex; your best bet is to hire an attorney. You'll
be able to move ahead with confidence that you have protected your
product and not infringed on anyone else's products.

    It is important to note that your IP lawyer-not you-will be
responsible for meeting all the filing deadlines. A single missed
deadline can result in your intellectual property being unprotected
and vulnerable to theft. Most IP offices have an elaborate calendar­
ing system that tracks thousands of deadlines for their clients' appli­
cations and registrations. You have other things to worry about!

If they can do it ,

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There are two fewer lawyers practici ng today si nce Rick Rosen­
field and Larry Flax left the legal j u ngle fo r the pizza i n dustry in
1 985. They reinvented pizza by using exotic flavors from a ro u n d
the world a n d opened their Cal ifornia Pizza Kitchen resta urant
in Beverly H i lls. The chain today ope rates, l i censes, or fra nchises
more than 240 Cal ifornia Pizza Kitchen resta u rants in thi rty-th ree
states and eight foreign cou ntries. They also have a line of frozen
foods with Kraft foods. Yes, they were lawyers, not chefs. But i t
goes to show that i f you have a g reat idea, run with it; you r back­
g round doesn't matter.

                 How Do I Find a Reputable IP Lawyer?

    The best way to find a good IP attorney is by word of mouth.
Ask family, friends, or any experienced lawyer you may know for a

referral. Try the website lists all practicing
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