Page 65 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 65

Step 4. Understand Legal Issues                                 55

PROPERTY RIGHT PROTECTS                       TERM                     EXAMPLES

PATENTS          I Inventions                                          Wind turbines,
Utility Patents         Useful processes,
                        machines, manu-
                        factured items, and

Design Patents          Original, orna-                                The look of an
                                                                       athletic shoe,
                        mental designs for    20 years                 bicycle helmet,
                        manufactured items                             action figure

Plant Patents           Invented or dis-                               Hybrid tea roses,
                        covered asexually                              Silver Queen Corn
                        reproduced plant

TRADEMARKS       : Words, names,              Can be renewed for-      The roar of the
                                              ever (with continued     MGM lion, the
                 ! symbols, sounds,           use)                     shape of the
                                                                       Coca-Cola bottle,
                 I or colors that dis-                                 the name 'Coke"

                 :!     tinguish  goods  and

COPYRIGHTS       I Protects works of          Lasts for the life of    Gone with the
                                              the author plus 70       Wind (book and
                 ! authorship such            years                    film), video games

                 : as writings, music,

                 I and works of art
                 i tangibly expressed

TRADE            I Information that           Trade secrets are not    The formula for
SECRETS                                       formally registered      Coca-Cola
                 I companies keep             with any governmen-
                 I secret that gives          tal agency; there is
                                              no term or expira-
                 : them a competitive         tion associated with
                 i advantage.                 them. That is, trade
                                              secrets remain pro-
                 ,                            tectable as long as
                 I                            they remain secret.
                                              In situations where
                                              there is theft of trade
                                              secrets or the pos-
                                              sibility of employees
                                              divulging a compa-
                                              ny's trade secrets
                                              the company must
                                              seek relief from the
                                              appropriate court.

Source: ww.w
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