Page 56 - Time Management Skills.p65
P. 56

Soft Skills for Public Managers

    Time Waster                  Time-Wasters: Causes & Solutions  Solutions
                                              Possible Causes

    Lack of planning                    Failure to see the     Recognize that planning may
    Lack of planning                    benefit of planning    take time but it saves time
                                                               and effort in the long run.
                                 (perhaps not action-oriented  Emphasize results,
                                 otherwise the above point is  not activity.

                                          similar to this)

    Lack of planning             Success without               Recognize that success is
    Lack of priorities                                         often in spite of, not because
                                 Lack of goals and             of, methods.
                                                               Write down goals and
                                                               objectives. Discuss priorities
                                                               with co-workers and family

    Over-commitment                    Broad interests         Learn to say no.
    Over-commitment                      (Impractical)         Re-assesses your goals
                                                               and priorities
                                  Confusion in priorities
                                                               Develop a personal
                                        Failure to set         philosophy regarding time.
                                 priorities/Over Ambitious     Relate priorities to a
                                                               schedule of events

    Management by crisis         Lack of planning              Apply the same solutions
                                                               as for lack of planning.

    Management by crisis         Unrealistic time estimates    Allow more time. Allow for

    Management by crisis         Problem oriented              Be opportunity oriented

    Management by crisis         Reluctance of others to       Encourage fast transmission
                                 break bad news                of information via grapevines
           Telephone                                           as essential for timely
           Telephone                Lack of self-discipline    corrective action
            Meetings                                            Screen and group calls.
                                                                Be brief.

                                 Desire to be informed and     Stay uninvolved with all but
                                 involved                      essentials. Manage by

                                 Fear of responsibility for    Make decisions without
                                 decisions.                    meetings.

                                 Indecision                    Make decisions even when
                                                               some facts are missing.

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