Page 57 - Time Management Skills.p65
P. 57

Handbook on Time Management Skills

      Time Waster           Possible Causes                  Solutions
        Meetings        Over-communication
        Meetings                                   Discourage unnecessary
        Meetings            Poor leadership        meetings. Convene only
        Meetings                                   those needed.
        Meetings                Indecision
        Meetings                                   Use agendas. Stick to the
                     Insistence on all the facts;  subject. Prepare concise
 Lack of delegation  paralysis by analysis         minutes as soon as possible.
 Lack of delegation  Fear of consequences of
                     a mistake                     Lack of confidence in the
 Lack of delegation                                facts. Improve fact finding
           Haste     Lack of a rational decision-  and validating procedures.
           Haste     making process.
           Haste                                   Accept risks as inevitable.
           Haste                                   Decide without all facts.

Paperwork & reading                                Delegate the right to be
Paperwork & reading                                wrong. Use mistakes as a
Paperwork & reading                                learning process.

                                                   Get facts, set goals,
                                                   investigate alternatives and
                                                   negative consequences,
                                                   make the decision, then
                                                   implement it.

                     Fear of subordinates’         Train. Allow mistakes.
                     inadequacy.                   Replace if necessary.

                     Fear of subordinates’         Delegate fully. Give credit.
                     competence                    Challenge the potential and
                                                   reward merit.
                     Work overload on
                     subordinates                  Balance the workload.
                     Impatience with detail        Reorder priorities.

                     Responding to the urgent      Take time to get it right. Save
                                                   the time of doing it over.
                     Lack of planning ahead
                                                   Distinguish between the
                     Attempting too much in too    urgent and the important.
                     little time.
                     Knowledge explosion           Take time to plan. It repays
                                                   itself many times over.
                                                   Attempt less, delegate much
                     Failure to screen             more.

                                                   Read selectively. Learn
                                                   speed reading.

                                                   Manage computer data by

                                                   Delegate reading to
                                                   subordinates. Ask for

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