Page 105 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 105

74 The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

             any other appeal that ever came to you. Most appeals are
             made by people who profit from a favorable response, but
             this appeal is hurting me a lot more than it can possibly
             hurt you.

             What will you have, ten boys or ten girls?

             Cordially yours,

             Bruce Barton

              “Faith in business, faith in the country, faith in one’s self, faith
              in other people—this is the power that moves the world. And
              why is it unreasonable to believe that this power, which is so
              much stronger than any other, is merely a fragment of the
              Great Power which operates the universe?”

                                  —Bruce Barton, What Can a Man Believe?, 1927

              “I do believe that the one great thing we have got to find a
              way to do is to make it possible, in our industrial life, for the
              man who stands at the bench somehow to feel in what he does
              the same sort of satisfaction and pride which now animates
              and thrills the man who sits at a desk, and to make the man
              who stands up to his waist in a ditch, or who swings the ax
              beside a tree, feel that somehow there is that in the thing he
              does that reaches down and takes hold on things eternal, and
              that every swing of the pick and every stroke of the ax is not
              merely so much servitude, but that, insofar as that is done in a
              spirit of real pride and satisfaction and service, he makes himself
              co-worker of Almighty God in the great task of feeding and
              clothing and housing the world.”

                                                           —Bruce Barton, 1921 speech

              “There is a wise old saying to this effect: ‘A great deal of good
              can be done in the world, if one is not too careful who gets
              the credit.’
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