Page 123 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 123

92 The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

             as ‘Wasn’t daddy wonderful to take out life insurance to
             protect us?’

             “We began using that appeal but soon found that there was
             a much stronger appeal. We cut the widow and children
             out of the illustrations; instead we showed a happy-faced
             man of 65 sitting on a rock, with a brier pipe in his mouth
             and an old felt hat on his head, saying: ‘He doesn’t have
             to do a lick of work, and every month gets the check for

             “The self-interest appeal (the desire to enjoy life and live
             longer) out-pulled the wife and child appeal by about
             10 to 1.”

                                 HEALING KNIVES

         Since the image of a knife may cause you to shudder, let
         me tell you why I’m using it.

            A knife can cut. A knife can kill. But a knife can also
         heal. Surgeons use knives to help you live.

            “Sharpen the knife” doesn’t mean to get ready to
         maim your customers. It means get read to serve your
         customers by sharpening your advertisements and mar-
         keting strategies so they do what you want them to do:
         bring in new business.

                           SHARPEN YOUR CHOICES

         This strategy is also a reminder to sharpen our decisions.
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