Page 125 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 125

94 The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

             Almost any business seems to be a good business if a man
             gives it all he’s got.
             “But the side line is the slide line.”

                         ACT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE

         This strategy also refers to your life.
            It was the July 1, 1991, death of actor Michael Landon

         that drove this point home for me. His sudden passing
         made me aware that you have to do what you know to
         do now—today—before it’s too late. Our time here is
         limited. Landon was one of the most robust people I’ve
         ever seen. He was strong and healthy and full of life. But
         that didn’t make him immune to dying.

            Bruce Barton’s life roared during the 1920s through
         1950s. He was healthy and alive. But he lost a son, a
         daughter, and a wife. He had a stroke. And by 1967, the
         year of his death at age 80, illness had wiped out his
         memory. Nearly helpless, he died alone except for a few
         friends and relatives.

            If Barton had not written the books he did, when he
         did, our world would have suffered an incalculable loss. If
         Michael Landon had not written and starred in the shows
         he did, our lives would have a mysterious hole in them.

            “Sharpening the knife” is a strategy that applies to
         you personally. This book may have prompted some
         ideas in you. Are you going to take action? Are you
         going to do what you know to do?

            If you knew your work would touch people in the
         same way as the work of Bruce Barton or Michael
         Landon, would you act today?
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