Page 11 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 11

1) Thorough research to find a profitable sub niche and understanding
who your audience is.

    2) Next, a detailed action plan - and finally:

    3) Taking action!

    Learn from the Best

    If you want to greatly speed up the process, learn from an entrepreneur in
your field who has been very successful. That’s the short cut! Rather than re-
inventing the wheel, trying things that won’t work and spending months and
years finding a way that does works, simply follow the lead of someone who
has already figured it all out.

    In other words, invest in good training!

    In a number of cases, I’m linking to excellent courses and training
resources - all run by successful entrepreneurs, not theorists. Most of these
courses are very inexpensive, but will make your progress so much easier!

    Plus, you can ask questions and usually join a community (Facebook
group, etc.) of fellow newbie entrepreneurs for mutual support and

    So whenever there is a link on a Business idea, check it out for further


    The planning and research phase also includes finding a profitable sub
niche and narrowing down your specific audience.

    You will have much greater success in a very specialized sub niche that
you master. Where you eventually become the go-to person for that niche -
rather than being a jack of all trades.

    People love to hire specialists - and buy specialty products - so spend time
on researching that part thoroughly. It will be one of the most important
decisions in your business and will have great influence on your success.
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