Page 13 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 13

What’s in it for them?

    The more specific and convincing you can answer that question, the more
successful you will be.

    Your buyers/clients are not interested in a list of features - e.g., in your
product/service, but only in what it does for them. How it improves their lives
and solves their problems and frustrations.

    How will their lives be different if they buy your products or use your

    Focus on them - and what benefits you can provide to them - and then

    Run a Referral Business

    For freelancing, you could also outsource most of the work and run a
referral service, instead of being the hamster in the wheel. You land the gigs,
then pass them on to other freelancers at a slightly lesser rate and everybody

    You still supervise and approve the final results, and you are the main
contact for the client, but you don’t actually do the work. Instead, you focus
on marketing and landing ever more gigs, constantly increasing your earnings
while working less.

    Just a thought…..
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