Page 17 - 6 Secrets to Startup Success
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What Is in This Book and How to Use It
Part I of this book presents and explores its underlying premise: En-
trepreneurial passion is a double-edged sword, bringing value as well
as danger.
9 Chapter One explains what happens within and around a
person who commits to the entrepreneurial leap. Why is the
startup path so compelling to so many? What causes new
founders to become emotionally attached to their ideas, to
literally fall in love with their businesses?
9 Chapter Two introduces a central concept that every enthu-
siastic entrepreneur should understand: The passion trap, a
pattern in which new founders become blinded and con-
strained by their emotional attachment to a business idea.
You will learn the most common negative impacts of the pas-
sion trap, and how it sneaks up on unsuspecting founders. I
will map the core pattern of the passion trap, a reinforcing
loop of ideas, actions, feedback, and interpretation. You will
discover how common cognitive biases can sabotage entre-
preneurial effectiveness and why some personality types are
more susceptible than others. You will also find a list of early
warning signs, helping you to flag symptoms of the passion
trap when there is still time to counteract its effects.
Part II outlines and explores six principles to help you squeeze
the most out of your passion, while not being trapped by it. When
applied together, and with the right level of skill, these principles will
dramatically improve your odds of new venture success.
1. Ready yourself as a founder. The premise of Chapter Three
is that the most fundamental driver of your startup’s early
success or failure is you. I will show you how to take an honest
look at yourself as a founder; how to align your skills and
your role with your venture goals; and how to purify your
passion, taking it to a higher, healthier, more productive level.
2. Attach to the market, not to your idea. Passion is an inner phe-
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