Page 21 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 21

Effective Time Management Strategies

visual image of what your days and weeks look like.
Keeping everything in one place allows you to refer
to it easily.

Finally, improving your telephone skills can improve
your productivity. When you have to leave a
message, make sure to speak slowly and clearly.
Give your number at the beginning and the end of
the message. Even when you are leaving a
message for a repeat customer, do not assume that
they already have your number. If you have an
unusual name, spell it.

Following these tips will greatly increase your
chances of getting a response to your message.
Since you make business phone calls to procure
some sort of information that is necessary for the
completion of a task, it is vital that your calls be

Your Worth

What is the value of your time? Seems like a
simple answer. But if you are using how much
money you make as your yardstick and dividing it

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