Page 16 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 16

Effective Time Management Strategies

overwhelming. Try to stick to the rule of handling
each item only once. If you don’t need it, get rid of
it. If you can’t handle it in a few minutes, consider
delegating it. If it is your responsibility and will take
time to address, schedule it on your calendar and
put it away.

Get into a routine. Good routines can increase
energy and save time, while mindless routines can
curb creativity. Make sure any routines you use are
serving a purpose other than just to fill up time.
Plan times to accomplish certain tasks every day.
Repetitive tasks, such as answering email or
completing paper work, can be scheduled to be
completed during a certain time period each day.
This will allow you to devote your full attention to
these tasks once a day, instead of partially
addressing them several times a day. Set start and
stop times for all major tasks during your day.

Make sure you do not take on more than you can
handle. You may want to impress your boss, but it
can be a mistake to say yes to too many things.
You can only accomplish a finite amount of work
during the day and taking on more than this will
result in the parts of your life becoming imbalanced.

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