Page 12 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 12

Effective Time Management Strategies

might begin by asking all employees to bring paper
and a pen to meetings in order to take notes. This
way they can transfer the items from your
assignment list to their to-do list. Arrange meetings
in which you refer back to the tasks that were given
to them.

Meetings must be conducted in a time-conscious
manner. An unorganized meeting can be one of
the biggest drains a company has on productivity.
If you have trouble believing this, calculate the
wages you are paying all the people who are sitting
in your next meeting. Meetings should begin on
time. Otherwise, people will get into the habit of
being late. You should have an agenda. However,
be flexible enough so that intellectual
breakthroughs can occur. End the meeting after all
of your goals have been addressed. Do not let it
drag on any further than necessary. Let attendees
begin work on the items discussed in the meeting
instead of continuing to just talk about them.

Lastly, emphasize how important good time
management is to the success of your organization.
You could include time management tips in your
newsletter. If your company does not have a

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