Page 14 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 14

Effective Time Management Strategies

organization, ineffective meetings, micro-managing,
failure to delegate, and lack of policies, procedures,
or standards to be followed.

Now, let’s take a look at some time savers in the
workplace. Implementing a few of these techniques
can greatly increase productivity and in turn morale.
After identifying your time wasters, try to recapture
some of that wasted time.
The key to organization and time management is

Life consists of seven areas: health, family,
financial, intellectual, social, professional, and
spiritual. Although you will not spend equal
amounts of time on each of these areas, if you
neglect any of them and you will jeopardize your
success in all of them.

Next, write things down – whether in a Day Planner
or a Palm Pilot. The actual process of writing down
a task helps you more easily remember that you
need to accomplish it. You are also able to see the
big picture and evaluate where the new task fits in
with others you already have been assigned.

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