Page 11 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 11

Effective Time Management Strategies

filled will require self-regulation. You want to hire
self-starters with good self-discipline. Ask
appropriate questions such as “How good are you
at setting deadlines and meeting them?” When
checking references, as previous employers about
time management skills.

All of your employees should be working at their
fullest capability. Down-sizing over the previous
years has lead to the elimination of many assistant
positions and managers and executives are now
forced to do their own clerical tasks. If they are
performing these tasks on such a regular basis that
it would be more cost-effective to hire an hourly
employee, do so.

When an employee demonstrates above average
time management skills, reinforce their actions. In
other words, reward them for good behavior.
Behavior that is noticed and pleasantly
remembered is much more likely to be repeated. In
addition, other employees will follow their example.

If you are a good time manager and have good
organizational skills, share them with those around
you. Teach them how to manage their time. You

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