Page 79 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 79

Effective Time Management Strategies

to weigh all benefits and risks. Benefits and risks
include much more than profit and loss. customer
satisfaction, client retention, employee moral, ability
to attract skilled employees, loss of employees,
cost consequences, and litigation prevention, just to
name a few.

The Art of Stopping
In order to avoid jumping to the wrong conclusions,
or in order to gather facts, stop and ask, when does
this decision need to be made. Consider the
consequences of holding off on making a decision.
This will give you the time to collect more data and
verify information.

Decision Value
Estimate the cost to make a decision. Often, the
costs of studies made to reach decisions have been
more costly than the outcome of the any choice
made. Weigh the time and manpower that will be
needed to make the decision. Know the value of
making a decision.

Group Consensus

   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84