Page 97 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 97

Effective Time Management Strategies


The information and strategies in this book can
change your bottom line and life!
Start everyday with an accomplishment that
energizes you. For some this is a physical workout,
others a project. When you start living effective time
management you’ll feel in control, and have more
time for yourself.

Use the tactics in this book to avoid procrastinating.

Don’t over schedule yourself. Many SME owners
attack time management like any other program,
with full steam. Scheduling too much in a day will
lead to constant changes, delayed projects, and a
feeling of overall failure. Start slow and build. Be

Measure your success with your time logs. Use the
time profit or loss statements to make adjustments.
Keep lists of the interrupters.

While any change can sometimes feel
uncomfortable at first, the rewards of managing
yourself effectively are dimensional. You will

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