Page 98 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 98

Effective Time Management Strategies

become more energetic, more profitable, more
relaxed, and experience greater confidence.

Make it a point to set an example of your new self
management strategy. Tell others about your plans.
If everyone throughout your company and
customers and clients jump on the band wagon to
manage themselves, everyone will benefit.

After you have become accustom to your weekly
panning, start making an annual plan.
At the end of every year, take a weekend away to
reflect on the past year and make plans for the new
one. Make a list of items you wish to accomplish in
the upcoming year. Schedule the projects,
vacations, and events that you can.

In a world where uncertainty reigns, contemplating
the future with an activity plan has a calming effect.

Taking control of your time will give you an ‘in
charge’ feeling and confidence that other’s will

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