Page 157 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 157
Employees were trusted to use their initiative and to access a small
budget to ensure customers’ specific needs and preferences were
met. This provided a distinctive service and customer value at a
competitive price.
In practice
• Understand what you mean by empowerment and what you
want to achieve.
• Identify barriers to empowerment and how they can be
• Communicate your ideas and win support.
• Establish and agree the boundaries, and be prepared to have
these boundaries tested.
• Ensure that your people have the necessary skills, resources, and
attitudes to take control.
• Agree objectives and performance measures. Empowerment is
not about dumping work on people and leaving them: it requires
support and agreement.
• Provide support, monitor developments, and iron out any
difficulties, particularly in the early days, but make sure that you
do not undermine the process.
• Try to secure early “wins” and successes that highlight the value
of the process.